CATEGORY: Affordable Housing
Watkins School – Rutland, VT
Naylor & Breen was the construction manager on The Watkins School project located in Rutland, Vermont. This project included the restoration of the existing Watkins School building as well as the new construction of the Carriage House. The eight apartments in the Carriage House as well as the six units in the school build-ing were built to serve the communities need for additional affordable housing. Construction of these two buildings started in June of 2014 and both buildings ran simultaneously. The school building was granted occupancy in late December of 2014 and the Carriage House followed behind in late February. One of the largest accomplishments on the project was the ability to maintain all of the historical aspects of the school build-ing all the while substantially increasing the buildings thermal envelope. This was done by carefully removing all of the interior moldings, paneling, and casework to allow for new stud walls, mechanicals, and spray foam insulation. Once this work was complete all of the salvaged trim and paneling was tediously put back in its original location. When it comes to examples of historic restoration this project is one of Naylor & Breen's proudest accomplishments.